Rope Access Blade Repair | IRELAND

Wind turbine blade repairs begin with a thorough blade inspection. Our skilled rope access blade repair technicians identify and categorise any damage found. Trained to the highest GWO standards in our training centre in Belfast, Ireland. They understand the complexity of core replacement and correct lamination layups. Dangle deliver effective in-situ repairs, usually using composite materials like fibreglass and rapid curing epoxy resin, for increased annual energy production (AEP) and minimal out-of-service downtime. 

Wind Turbine Blade Repair

Rope Access Blade Repair

Our highly specialised and experienced teams of IRATA certified and accredited GWO Rope Access Blade Technicians are a fast and cost efficient solution for a range of wind turbine maintenance activities. We can deploy expert close visual inspection (CVI) of the wind turbine blade to correctly classify levels of damage, using rope access techniques as the quickest method to save on lost production.

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Rope Access Wind Farm Services

Advanced Blade Repair Service

Dangle provides a fast and efficient service in Ireland, covering all aspects of damages to wind turbine blades. Our blade technicians have all been trained to the highest GWO standards, in our GWO training centre in Belfast. Most have completed advanced blade inspection modules and blade repair training too, such a blade C & blade D.

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Rope Access Blade Repair | IRELAND

Rope Access Blade Inspection

Vortex Generators on Wind Turbine Blade

Wind turbine blade maintenance is a tough business. The conditions are harsh and the margin for error is small to non-existent. There can be no compromise on safety when working at height on a remote wind farm. It's no wonder that people come to us at Dangle for professional help from our rope access blade repair specialists.

We understand the importance of asset life management. The average lifespan of a wind turbine is 15 years. But output can deteriorate if faults aren’t repaired quickly. Finding issues early and taking action reduces the risk of a catastrophic failure. At the same time, it means fewer costly turbine blade repairs and less lost revenue. We insist on the highest training, management and safety standards, so that we’re ready to support you with any and all your turbine blade repair needs.

We work with both on and offshore wind farm operators. For offshore wind farm maintenance, we can cover both the East and West coasts. Simply contact our strategic offices in England and Scotland to find out more. If you’d like us to pre-visit onshore sites, we’d be happy to help.

Rope access blade repair is fast and effective, without compromising on safety. The equipment is fast to set up, which makes for competitive costs and less out-of-service time, particularly when compared to other more time-consuming and expensive forms of access. So, for simple or advanced blade repair services, we’ve got you covered. And we’re always on hand to help you investigate how rope access can make your operation more efficient.

Our experienced, specialist blade repair technicians are IRATA-certified. They’ve also undergone GWO blade repair training courses. Their expertise is complemented by Dangle’s extensive inspection, access, coatings and composite (IACC) industrial services. We’ve been providing asset integrity services to the energy sector from the outset. Our combined skills and know-how ensure the highest safety levels and the effectiveness of repairs.

The performance of a wind turbine is greatly affected by its condition. As well as manufacturing and transport defects, this includes general wear and tear. Plus lightning strikes, corrosion, internal and external faults, and so on. We can complete all types of repair quickly and efficiently. But we also offer our extensive experience to help you optimise production and costs.

Renewable energies are a key environmental focus. In fact, wind energy is forecast to make up a third of the world’s power supply by 2050. And the UK has the most offshore wind farm structures in Europe. Rely on us for all types of wind turbine blade maintenance. Whether it’s on a maintenance schedule or ad-hoc basis. With accurate inspections and repairs, we’ll help you maximise your annual energy performance.

Due to our company size and structure, Dangle is able to offer a flexible and versatile approach. Something that wouldn’t be possible for most larger companies. As a leading wind turbine blade repair company, we’ve worked on turbine blade repair projects in the UK, Europe and the US. We’ll integrate seamlessly with your teams to come up with the best possible tailored solutions for you.

Blade Technician | Reduced Costs

Advanced Blade Services

Internal Blade Inspection

Wind Blade Maintenance

LOTO Trained Technicians

Interested in our rope access blade repair?

We’re here to help!

RATA certified rope access technicians have been statistically proven to be amongst the safest personnel in the offshore renewables and onshore construction industries. Allowing only trained and competent personnel to work at height fundamentally leads to an increased awareness of managing hazards, which has been shown to reduce unsafe practice.

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GWO Wind Turbine Blade Repair

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